


阿什利霍尔的高级项目是学校最杰出的项目之一. 这student-directed, 一年的课程是密集研究的综合, 批判性思维, 有针对性的社区外展使学生能够更深入地研究感兴趣的特定主题. 通过竞争的申请过程中选定的前一个春天, 高级项目的女孩开始研究他们提出的主题在夏季的几个月. 随着项目的发展,这项研究为他们在整个学年的工作提供了动力. 在第二年的四月, the girls present their Senior Project research findings to the 上学校 student body along with other distinguished guests. 


Kharynton begg

技术,就像十大网赌平台推荐的人口一样,正在以指数级的速度增长和扩张. 因为十大网赌平台推荐正在努力跟上所有的扩张, 更新, 以及数字世界的新创新, 重点需要转移到研究这对年轻一代的影响. 在过去的十年里, the use of technology and social media sites have become such a normal part of society that many cannot remember a time where they did not check their phones multiple times a day. This increase in social media use is a leading factor in the mental health crisis universities and colleges throughout the U.S. 都面对着今天. 这场危机可以追溯到中学时期,当时很多心理健康问题都是在中学时期出现的. 随着社交媒体在中学生中使用的增加, valuable life skills are being lost because some opt to have on-screen interactions instead of off-screen ones. 通过我的研究, 我打算研究社交媒体使用对中学生的短期和长期影响. 我还将深入探讨如何帮助青少年应对社交媒体使用带来的挑战, 比如人际交往和社交能力的丧失, 身份危机的原因, 在互联网上辨别真相的能力, 以及如何成为一个成功的数字公民.


今天, 美国人可以通过大量的技术平台与其他人分享和联系, 医疗保健服务也不例外. 现代远程医疗包括跨技术提供所有卫生服务, 宽泛而不是模糊的定义. Telehealth has the power to diminish the disparities in access to health care that are felt across our nation and the world by giving its consumers equal service to doctors of all specialities from anywhere, 任何时候. My project was inspired by MUSC’s awardment of a multi-million dollar grant in October of 2017 and their initiative to establish the South Carolina Telehealth Alliance, 这已经影响了整个州数百万人. The success of this project and others like it should be shared with the millions of people who have the potential to see positive impacts by these innovations; furthermore, it has the power to convince patients and their families that overall wellness can be improved by new relationships with physicians and the network of medical professionals that are formed through telehealth. 当十大网赌平台推荐越来越意识到十大网赌平台推荐的健康, 十大网赌平台推荐可以利用这些平台来帮助人们保持健康,防止未来出现各种各样的问题.


那些患有身体和精神疾病的人在他们的内在和外在生活中面临着无数的挣扎. 除了面对逆境, 他们还与社会对他们的缺陷的错误看法和信念作斗争. 根据美国心理协会的说法, 只有25%患有精神疾病的成年人认为别人会同情他们的病情. 被多个来源和研究引用, 对精神问题的不熟悉, 个人的身体限制, and the mental health system as a whole all contribute to the perpetuating negative stigmas surrounding physical and mental illnesses. 因此,人们都知道残疾人会自我羞辱. My project’s goal is to let the 十大最好的网赌平台 and wider Charleston community know that individuals with disabilities have not, 事实上, allowed these challenges to prevent them from achieving their dreams and making a positive impact on our society.


当十大网赌平台推荐回顾人类历史, 十大网赌平台推荐不仅研究一个时期内发生的重大事件的事实证据, 但也有艺术遗迹,反映了那些时期的成员的感受, 工作, 生活在那个时代. 正如莎士比亚的戏剧反映了结构严密的伊丽莎白时代, 哈莱姆文艺复兴的视觉和音乐作品的爆发反映了“新黑人运动”,表现主义运动反映了第一次世界大战的情感动荡, 艺术表达一直是LGBTQ+中个人的避难所和记录, 或者“酷儿-跨性别”群体. 从政治视觉艺术到音乐剧的兴起, 从现代舞到围绕酷儿理论的文学和诗歌, 自公元前500年以来,艺术一直是LGBTQ+人群生活的一部分. 通过在“酷儿”背景下观察艺术家的作品, 十大网赌平台推荐能够在酷儿历史的范围内更彻底地理解这些作品, 以及整个世界. My Senior Project takes a look into queer-trans 理论 and the art which gives emotional texture to the community in order to better understand how the lives of queer and trans have been lived. 通过研究像弗里达·卡罗这样伟大的艺术家, 莎孚, Keith Haring, 还有更多, 我试图让其他人了解酷儿-跨性别群体的重要性和历史, 解释艺术在过去是如何帮助解放社会的, 并通过外联展示它如何能帮助引领更积极的变化向前发展.


玩耍被定义为乐趣, 自愿的, 灵活的, 内在动机, 没有外在目标, 这涉及到积极的参与——通常包含了假装的元素. 使用从蒙台梭利到华尔道夫到雷焦艾米利亚的方法, early childhood educators and developmentalists have not yet been able to identify which curriculum is most conducive to healthy child development. 利用目前十大网赌平台推荐什么类型和方式的游戏可以最好地融入课堂的研究, 我的使命是创造理想, 孩子的早期教育, 趣味学习课程. 如果成功, 这会刺激孩子,让他们达到重要的里程碑, 在享受乐趣的同时. 进一步, 我打算研究美国学前教育制度的政策和标准, 以确保我策划的课程被美国标准所接受.


从我第一次学习外语开始,我就着迷于外语学习的过程和实施, 虽然是迟到的, 六年级的时候和它互动. 从那时起, I have become more reflective and inquisitive than ever in understanding the actual process by which I have been able to study six languages over the past six years. 十大最好的网赌平台基于对话的课堂教学方法, combined with the bi-annual Oral Proficiency Interview and the emphasis on building confidence to speak one’s mind, 即使是用非母语, 以难以形容的方式为学生的成功做好准备. 在亲身体验之后, I am now fascinated with how to train teachers to produce and execute this efficient language learning environment. 教师在课堂上扮演着第二重要的角色, 当学生成为双语者时,他们的准备是显而易见的, 文化意识的, 以及自信的全球公民, 准备好走出他们的舒适区. I hope to produce an ideal model for foreign language acquisition on a beginner’s level; from there, I will suggest the same methods for training language educators because my research proves a training session that mirrors the foreign language classroom yields unparalleled success. If this model provides even one student the same opportunities and experiences I have been granted through this student-centered approach, 我将影响一个未来有远见和全球意识的公民的生活.


纵观历史,社会一直着迷于女性的服装. 模特走秀,明星走红毯, 不可避免的问题是:“你穿的是谁的衣服??时装设计师可可·香奈儿(Coco 香奈儿)是最早认识到女性穿衣能力的人之一, and she revolutionized the industry in the 1920s by introducing trousers as an essential element of a fashionable woman’s wardrobe. 几十年来,时尚界的钟摆反复摆动, 从紧身胸衣到迷你裙, 长茶裙到热裤. 为了理解这些时尚趋势背后的基本原理, 有必要考察一下女权主义的历史, 特别是, 它的独特浪潮(由时期和社会运动定义)如何影响女性的服装选择. 一旦我有了时尚和女权主义的历史视角, I will then be able to explore the connections which exist between how a woman dresses and the way she is perceived by society, 以及她如何看待自己.


爱马仕, 香奈儿, 杜嘉班纳, 古驰(Gucci):所有设计师都曾用马术服装来启发过去的系列. 马术无处不在, 从街上的马车到纽约时装周上首次亮相的马术服装. The impact the sport has stamped on society is prevalent because of the manner in which leading fashion brands around the world have used riding attire. This trend in fashion can also be associated to the field of art and the prevalence of kings and queens depicted atop a horse. There are approximately two million animals; why was a horse the choice of royalty? 首先,几个世纪以来,马一直象征着财富、权力和地位. 结果是, 毫不奇怪,马术对社会产生了多方面的影响, 它的影响已经远远超出了时尚界. 我的项目主要关注马术的发展以及马术对人类和文化的影响, 同时表达了这项古老运动的重要性.


众所周知,心血管疾病是全世界成年人的头号杀手. 虽然心脏病不是儿童和青少年死亡的主要原因, 这种致命疾病的许多危险因素可以在青少年时期得到控制. 具体地说, 在美国, studies have shown that “teens are likely to die of heart disease at a younger age than adults do today” due to them mistreating their bodies earlier in life. 大多数人天生心血管健康. 然而, 个人在青春期前和青少年时期所做的选择, 12至18岁, 会增加他们患心脏病的风险吗. What are adolescents in our generation doing to increase their cardiovascular mortality rate at a younger age? 十大网赌平台推荐能做些什么来防止比率上升呢? What about the individuals who are born with congenital heart disease; how does a prior health condition like this affect the risk of having more severe heart complications later on in life? 我项目的重点是研究肥胖的影响, 药物及药物滥用, 缺乏锻炼, 年轻时饮食不当会增加患心血管并发症的风险.


青少年平均每天花费6美元.每天花5个小时玩手机娱乐, 这还不包括为了学习而花在屏幕上的额外时间. 十大网赌平台推荐的文化越来越依赖科技, 许多人通过不断检查他们整天随身携带的设备来加强这种依赖. Recent studies have shown that this constant usage can be classified as a behavioral addiction if an individual uses his or her devices obsessively and exhibits specific behavioral and withdrawal symptoms. 我的毕业设计, 我打算研究手机成瘾对心理的影响, 手机成瘾和精神疾病之间的联系, 手机和毒瘾的比较, 以及长期暴露在蓝光下可能产生的影响. 我的目的是阐明人们在智能手机上花费的时间越多, 他们与社会的联系就越少. 我希望与查尔斯顿社区的青少年分享这项研究, 这样他们就会意识到智能手机成瘾的破坏性影响.


科学家在了解人类大脑方面取得了相当大的进展, yet there is still so much to discover about this complex and mysterious puzzle that is the center of all human function. 科学家们试图用许多方法来解码大脑, 其中之一是研究音乐的影响. 众所周知,听音乐和演奏音乐会利用许多不同的大脑通路, 使其研究成为理解一般大脑功能的有价值的工具. 我的项目植根于神经可塑性的概念:大脑生长和变化的能力. Studying and listening to music encourages brain development and has been shown to have many cognitive benefits. 其中包括通过时空推理 莫扎特效应 理论, 促进儿童发展, 音乐疗法的治疗效果, 预防老年人认知能力下降. I also hope to design a study proposal at the Medical University of South Carolina to test whether or not specific sound frequencies enhance memory. 这项研究可以作为未来研究的催化剂. 通过我在MUSC的研究和工作, 我希望对理解大脑功能的复杂性有所贡献.


阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.